A menu of sensory support ideas for all areas of sensory needs. Organised to enable a relevant selection of strategies to cater for over or under stimulation. Linked to my Sensory & Physical Teacher Guidance sheets.
Guides on how to use a trauma informed approach when dealing with emotional dysregulation and common behaviour scenarios. This resource includes script suggestions for each stage of the PACE approach:
as well as useful sentence starters as prompts for supporting the REGULATE, RELATE AND REASON process. The resource can be used by any member of school staff; SENCo, class teacher and teaching assistant.
Easy to use teacher guidance forms that will help staff when considering how best to support the individual needs of SEN pupils in their classes.
This version is for social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
The sheets include summaries of:
-strategies & QFT classroom ideas
-SMART target suggestions
-some useful classroom resources
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.
Easy to use teacher guidance forms that will help staff when considering how best to support the individual needs of SEN pupils in their classes.
This version is split into 4 different Cognition and Learning difficulties - Maths & Dyscalculia/ Reading & Dyslexia/ Spelling, Writing & Dyslexia/ Memory, Processing & Organisation.
The sheets include summaries of:
-strategies & QFT classroom ideas
-SMART target suggestions
-some useful classroom resources
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.
Tracker to monitor individual children against the Engagement Model strands:
Descriptors for each level and stage of development. Can be used for pupils working significantly below/ pre key stage.
15 easy to use guidance sheets that cover all 4 broad areas of SEN need.
-strategies & QFT classroom ideas
-target suggestions
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.
Useful suggestions for staff on how best to support SEN pupils within Science specific lessons. Can be used as a planning tool or guidelines for formative assessment.
Strategies are grouped into the following broad areas of need for ease of reference:
Communication and Interaction
Cognitive and Learning
Sensory and Physical
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
A useful RAG rating for teachers when considering the effectiveness of SEN provision in day to day practice. Split into key categories, linked to the EEF’s 5 a day. Can be used by SLT as part of an observation process, by teachers/ TAs as part of a peer or self assessment or by SENCos as a guide for staff’s continuous professional development.
Tool to collate the executive functioning skills of individual pupils, including:
response inhibition
flexible thinking
emotional control
planning, organisation and initiation
working memory
self monitoring
sustained attention
Enables the user to gain an instant overview of the profile of selected pupils and assess their strengths and weaknesses.
Separate tabs then provide a list of top ten strategies for supporting each executive function skill.
A useful checklist of strategies to support pupils with language and communication difficulties, including Developmental Language Disorder. The strategies are grouped into the following common ‘problem’ areas; understanding language, attention and listening, literacy, expressive language, social interaction, accessing the curriculum and lack of specialist knowledge.
A checklist of strategies for teachers to employ within the classroom to support learners with weak working memory. These strategies are grouped into common difficulties including: processing speed, recall, cognitive overload, organising self and maintaining concentration.
An easy to use, editable reference guide to various acronyms and abbreviations used within SEN settings. Alphabetically grouped into the following categories:
Terminology linked to the needs and difficulties of the child
Terminology linked to the people/ services that work with the child
Terms linked to SEN paperwork and systems
Additional page for more setting specific terms
Easy to use teacher guidance forms that will help staff when considering how best to support the individual needs of SEN pupils in their classes.
This version is split into 4 different aspects of Speech, Language and Communication difficulties - Attention & Listening/ Receptive/Expressive & Social.
The sheets include summaries of:
-strategies & QFT classroom ideas
-SMART target suggestions
-some useful classroom resources
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.
A one page teacher guidance form to support staff when considering wellbeing provision for SEN pupils returning to school in September, following Covid 19.
This includes summaries of:
-strategies & QFT classroom ideas
-SMART target suggestions
-some useful resources for the classroom
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.
A baseline tracker to use as a tool for monitoring progress against the Recovery Curriculum Levers in the Autumn. This can be completed prior to any intervention to ascertain areas of concern or monitor progress. Can be used with individual SEN pupils with comments/ observations or with whole groups by writing initials in blank boxes. Easily adaptable for your pupils.
A vocabulary development pack designed to expand children’s knowledge and understanding of words.
The WONDER technique:
-supports development of receptive language skills
-expands pupils knowledge of vocabulary
-is easily adapted to link with any chosen text or topic at a variety of levels
-has been structured so that it can be delivered daily for 15 minutes
-has selectable activity options that provide enough variation to avoid boredom or disengagement.
The blank templates are all in word format so can be edited to meet the needs of your pupils. They cover all of the strategies outlined in the WONDER technique and would be ideal for use by teachers, HLTAs or TAs.
A vocabulary development pack themed around COVID 19 terminology and designed to support children’s understanding of these words.
The WONDER technique:
supports development of receptive language skills
-expands pupils knowledge of vocabulary
-is easily adapted to link with any chosen text or topic at a variety of levels
-has been structured so that it can be delivered daily for 15 minutes (or weekly)
-has selectable activity options that provide enough variation to avoid boredom or disengagement.
The sheets are in word format so can be edited to meet the needs of your pupils.
Easy to use teacher guidance forms that will help staff when considering how best to support the individual needs of SEN pupils in their classes.
This version is split into 4 different aspects of Sensory & Physical difficulties - Hearing impairment/ Visual Impairment/Dysraxia & Co-ordination / Sensory.
The sheets include summaries of:
-strategies & QFT classroom ideas
-SMART target suggestions
-some useful classroom resources
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.
A one page teacher guidance form to support staff when considering how to effectively deliver remote learning provision for SEN pupils during the National Lockdown.
This includes summaries of:
possible difficulties and barriers to remote learning
-strategies & QFT teaching ideas to address these
-SMART target suggestions for next step support
-some useful resources
-a few possible interventions
-assessments that could be used to baseline/track progress.